Commercial Painting
We offer commercial painting services to companies ranging from small businesses to big corporations. Our incredible employees will finish the project meticulously on a time.
Our experience with past big projects and ongoing projects gives confidence to do any size of your commercial painting job, whether it’s a thousand dollar job or a million dollar job. We will complete your projects on time with best quality without affecting your routine work.
There will never ever be workers causing property damage, provide poor workmanship, or disappear in the middle of the job. We’ll be there and give zero tolerance to this kind of actions.
We’ll always strive to give you the quality you expect in a timeline that’s unexpected.
We guarantee the satisfaction. We’ll always make sure you’re happy with the results. We have tons of experience in providing interior and exterior painting services to all types of businesses, including:
- Toronto Housing,
- Buttcon Limited,
- Contractors
- Schools
- Offices,
- Retirement Homes
- Buildings,
- Warehouses,
- ESLs
- Gyms and fitness centers,
- Property management companies and more.
A few sample of projects that we have proud to completed successfully:
31 Gilder Drive building: All 376 apartments ‘kitchens and bathrooms were painted. The building‘s pipe system was renewed by Martinway Contracting LTD. After drywall and taping as a subcontractor for Martinway Contracting, we painted each unit by matching the previous color.2017 (one year project).
Lynn Rose College: 7310 Rapistan ct, Mississauga. The new build college was painted as desired by founders of school. The complex has 18 classes, 6 washrooms, 10 offices, library room, science room, dance room and huge gym.(2018)(Two months project).
Carpenter Hospice: 2250 Parkway Drive, Burlington. This health complex has 18 units and 5 common areas to serve elderly people. We have painted all interior and exterior building. (2018)Three months project.
55 Mabelle ave,Toronto high rise building : After renewing windows of 276 units and common areas by Buttcon Limited, we have painted walls of units and window edges. (2019) ongoing project.
15 Tobermory drive high rise building: After window renewal of 376 units and common areas, we have painted walls of units and window edges. (2019) ongoing project.